So today(yesterday) brought a couple of different adventures...
1. I decided to continue my new habit of running 3 times a week and yesterday(Saturday - now on called today) I met my quota by running 1.5 miles in 12:49 and then ran for another 2 minutes before calling it. I felt pretty good about my time. However, my body apparently decided I was weak and made me throw up. That sucked. On the plus side, it got me out of shoveling the drive way...
2. Shortly after my... "running/spew"... my dad decided it was time to change the oil in my car. This was my first time doing it myself (with the help of my dad). It required not 1, not 2, not 3, but 4 trips to AutoZone to get the right tool to get the stupid oil filter off of my car. Ridiculous. So, finally, more than an hour and a half after starting the project, we got to work. It was way too cold to do it outside, so we brought the car into the garage. FYI, the concrete in the garage is pretty dang cold too. I was the lucky one who got to climb on my back, figure how on earth I was going to get the stupid oil pan plug off without any room for leverage and lie on my back on the freezing cold concrete for 10+ minutes while the stupid oil drained out of the pain. Oh, ya, and in the mean time my back was getting soaking wet from the snow dripping off of my car. ¡COLD! So after I drained the oil from the pain and replaced the plug, I crawled out from underneath the car, we put in the new oil, and I asked my dad if he needed me for anything else.
3. He said no so I went inside to wash all the oil and grease off my body (which takes longer than usual because it's a non-polar substance and doesn't come off with water as easily because it's polar). Then my dad tells me he needs me for something else... We have to drain the oil from the thing we caught the old oil in into some plastic jugs. No big, right? My dad can't pour worth beans apparently! He missed the containers almost completely and got the oil all over the garbage can, which I was smart enough to hold the plastic jugs over, and all over my hands. That was exciting. So then I went and washed off all THAT oil. All-in-all, it was an enlightening experiences and I know how to change my own oil.
4. Jimmer Fredette is the man! 42 points in the game against CSU tonight. You may say, no big deal it's just CSU, but they beat #16 UNLV @ UNLV. That's a pretty big deal. Jimmer, yet again, buried at least one from at least 40 feet (shooting it, not hucking it up at the last second). He is the best PG in the country, and the leading scorer. 'nuff said.
5. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World = meh. It was alright, kind of hard to follow at parts, but some funny parts. "You're hairs getting kind of shaggy." (If you don't get it, that's ok).
That's my little blurb for the day. Sorry it was so random. It's kind of long, so if you're going to read any part, it should be numbers 2 and 3... that might have been better at the beginning. oops.
You make me laugh Andrew :)