
Monday, May 28, 2012

Great Week - May 28, 2012

Great week!

On Tuesday we we out walking to pick up a member to go out with us and met this man, Juan (name changed). Juan was deported from the United States a few months ago for a few problems he had. Technically he is Guatemalan, but this is his first time in Guatemala since he was 1, and he is now 37 years old. He feels like a stranger and that no one wants him. So we started talking to Juan about life in general and were able to start talking with him about the Gospel and the Book of Mormon, and the guidance we receive in our most difficult times through the Book of Mormon, and thus directly from our Heavenly Father. It was a very interesting experience for which I am grateful. 

Wednesday was also a good day! I would like to focus on the lesson we had with Gilda and Marian. They are our 2 investigators that have really made a huge difference in my mission and made me realize how much of an impact this message truly has on the lives of those who let it. As we reviewed the Plan of Salvation they said they could feel the peace and comfort in knowing that one day they can seen their loved ones once again, and I know that this is true. They are quickly progressing towards the firm desire to be desired with a goal of a date to be baptized! I truly am grateful to be part of their gospel journey.

On Friday we had a lesson with a less-active woman named Lorgia and we talked with her about the importance of the Holy Ghost in our lives and how sometimes it can be difficult to recognize. I love the story of 1 Samuel 3 in which Samuel hears the voice of the Lord 3 times, and believes that Eli is calling him. At this 3rd hearing, Eli understands that it is the Lord calling Samuel, and tells him that the next time he hears the voice to respond, "Speak; for thy servant heareth". What greater thing could the Lord hear than to know that we are lovingly listening to his voice, waiting to respond to what He desires us to know! 

Saturday was another great day! We had another lesson with Gilda and Marian about the Gospel of Jesus Christ, or in other words Faith, Repentance, Baptism, the Holy Ghost, and Enduring to the End. They both agreed that they would like to be baptized and are going to pray to know WHEN they would like to be baptized. The Lord is truly blessing this area and these two women who are ready for the message of the Gospel.

Yesterday as Elder Hatch and I went to to do our proselyting in the afternoon we went to search two people we had contaced more than a month ago and we were waiting outside the door for quite a while before someone came out and said they would "look to see if they were there"... and we kept waiting. After another 3-5 minutes we were about to leave and I felt as though we should stay and someone came to the door. His name is Jonathan and he is 20 years old. It just so happens that he is related to the people for whom we were looking... and he is also a member. From there we began to talk to Jonathan and about things that have happened in the last several years since he has been baptized. We were later telling this story to a member and she said "What, a coincidence. No. It was God"... and I truly know that it was. I have told many stories of the way that Heavenly Father places us where we need to be and when, and I know that we will be able to help Jonathan come back to church.

I am so grateful every day to be serving a mission. These experiences are once in a life time. A couple of weeks ago we were talking to Hno. Jimenez and we were talking about movies, and he said that we are making the best movie in these two years, and we will spend the rest of our lives watching the movie of our missions over and over again in our minds. I hope I can make the movie the best it can be, and that there are no parts I am "ashamed" of watching again. 

Elder Andrew A. LaPray

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