
Sunday, October 9, 2011

Normal - October 8, 2011

This week has been... normal. Not. It was week six of the my fourth change! (No, I'm not baggy, this is just me and the time thing again and the whole math in me) but the end of this change marks 1/4 of my time in the field, and in two weeks I hit 8 months, 1/3 of my mission. Time really goes by so fast. It still seems like just yesterday I was back home, wasting time waiting to come to the mission, and an eternity before I'll do that again. But definitely worth the wait :)
So, like I said, this week has been anything but normal. For starters, conference was on last weekend (which I count as part of my week now) , which was absolutely incredible! I hope you all paid LOTS of attention, because we heard from the living prophet of the Lord God. For what greater blessing could you possibly ask? My favorite talks still came from the Saturday session, but obviously everything was good and spiritually uplifting. Sister Dalton's talk from Sunday was very powerful, in which, she told us men how to raise a daughter. I know I don't have a daughter, but it gave me a lot of ideas for the future and strengthened my testimony now. J. Devn Cornish was another of my favorite conference talks from Sunday. He talked about prayer and asking Heavenly Father for the help we so desperately need. I love that in conference we can receive so much personal revelation in conference, sometimes things that have absolutely NOTHING to do with what the speaker is discussing. I absolutely love it!
Monday was SUCH a busy day for Elder Spilker and I in the office, but I absolutely loved it! We got so much work done. We were out running errands, busy on the computer, just doing everything. Unfortunately, our in field time was no so busy. We spent 5-7 contacting  because everything fell through, but we had some really promising contacts! I used to hate contact, then I disliked it, and now I tolerate it. I'd call that a definite improvement! This week, I actually even ENJOYED one of the contacts I made as I testified of the blessings of the gospel in our lives. We went to visit a member around 7 named Josué Castillo, who is super pilas. We talked to him about life and missionary work, service, and sharing the gospel. At the end, my companion invited him to pray, while we sang, about who could be prepared to receive the gospel message. It seems really weird, and it was weird to me at first as well, but it worked! The Lord truly does have people prepared.
Tuesday was Zone Leader council so we had all of the out of capital ZLs at our house on Monday night and Tuesday morning. When we were literally 3 minutes away from the office, Elder Williams, one of the APs, called us to go back home because he forgot something. So we went ALL the way back home and then all the way back to the office, just because we love him ;) However, that day had some very bad news about a missionary who had run away. It broke my heart. I don't understand what drives people to disobedience when they testify to people of the blessings of obedience and can see the reflections in their own lives. Yes, a mission is the hardest thing I have ever done, but when you get right down to it, and you do it right, it is the most fun and most rewarding thing as well. The taxi ride to the area was VERY interesting today. We didn't go with our regular taxi driver, but with one of his colleagues. Anyways, we got stuck in a little bit of traffic and he wanted to get us out quickly, so he took this short cut on the dirt path next to the railroad tracks. Well, it just so happens that on BOTH sides of the railroad tracks there are one bedroom concrete houses with metal doors. As I see the type of people walking these roads and standing in the doors of these houses, I realize that we are driving down, what I would call, Hooker Lane. They were brothels. It was absolutely SHOCKING. Luckily, that only lasted for about two minutes and we were out of there and on a different road, but those are just the kinds of mission experiences that make great stories.
The APs and some other missionaries were out looking for the run away today, and they were gone for about 6 hours with no luck, so they came back to the office. Then, around 2ish, he called Elder Davis and told him where he was and that he wanted to be picked up, so Elder Davis and I got President's car keys, and we were off to get him! It was absolutely crazy. That is enough for Wednesday.
Thursday night we had the Noche Mormona like usual. Before it started, Elder Spilker and I taught a recent convert named Cesár Guzmán and talked about General Conference. This may sound weird, but I loved seeing the light in Elder's Spilker's face as he testified of Thomas S. Monson. I think that it was the first time I have really noticed that "light" that other people say they see in us. It was a very special experience, and I hope that my face "shines" like that when I testify of the things which I know and love. The Noche Mormona was really great! Some great members gave it and they had us doing an activity in 4 groups doing all sorts of crazy stuff, learning to work together, have fun together, and learning about each other to demonstrate charity, the pure love of Christ.
On Friday, every cita fell through again. Literally, EVERYTHING. We contacted. That's it. In the office I played "In the land of the Tall Green Trees" with Elders Spilker, Francks, and Hogan and it took them about 2 hours to figure out how to play, but it was SO funny watching them try to figure it out. (It wasn't two straight hours, we were doing work as well). That's pretty much it.
This morning we went over to President and Sister Watts's house for the traditional week six breakfast. It was DELICIOUS! We had pancakes, eggs, bacon, hashbrowns, pineapple, and watermelon. I love them so much! And now, I'm sitting here talking to you guys! Like I said, it was anything BUT a normal week. But that's what the mission is all about! Change conference is next week, and I don't think I'm leaving the office, nor Elder Spilker. But one of the APs, Elder Davis will finish his mission, which is really sad. I love Elder Davis. He has been a super good friend and he is a great guy and missionary. I'm sure the whole mission will miss him. So, next week when I email you, there will be a new AP, and mostly likely a new office elder (but not my companion). Even in the office we don't hear changes early. Well, not TOO early :)
Love, Elder Andrew Anderson LaPray

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