
Monday, May 9, 2011

Ode To My Mother

For starters, I'm definitely not a poet. I´m no Walt Whitman, but this
is the best I can do to express the words of love for my mom in
poetry, rather than just writing a letter.

It's been 2 months since I last talked to my mom. As far as life is
concerned, 2 months is not that long. As far as time without talking
to your mom when you are used to talking to her nearly every day, it´s
and eternity. I have two previously written thoughts I would like to
share, follwed by something new.

"I miss my mom. As the first talk in Sacrament started, I remembered
all the things my mom has done for me. She really is the best mom in
the world. I love you, Mom" May 8th, 2011 9:20 a.m.

" ´I want a hug from my mom´, and it´s true, I would love a hug from
my mom... As hard and challenging as this work is, and no matter how
much I may want to give up, I can go on. I WILL go on. Like the Sons
of Helaman, I have been taught by my mother; taught to believe in the
Lord, my God. ´My mother always taught me I should never doubt. If I
am true and faithful I will conquer now. My God will fight beside me,
He will help me win. My mother always knew it, I will come home
again.´ " May 2nd, 2011

This isn't anything special as far as poetry is concerned, but I wrote
it out of love for the woman who means the most to me in my life; my

A mother's love is one of a kind,
A mother´s love is something to find.
It´s nothing you´ll find on the shelf in a store,
A mother´s love is something much more.
I cannot say it appears all a sudden,
It grows, as you grow, with each passing day.
When you do something wrong, or do something right,
Her love is there, through the day and the night.
As you´re a child you feel it so strong,
But as you grow up you feel you´ve been wronged.
She leads you and guides you, through the good and the bad,
And as you turn her away, she´s inevitably sad.
The I love you´s get fewer, and far inbetween,
Until one you day you realize how silly it seems.
Your mother as loved you through thick and the thin.
She´s seeking your love and you just won't give in.
When all of a sudden, when she isn´t nearby,
You realized you´ve loved her and begin to cry.
She was there in sickness, and in health,
Your mother´s love is a source of wealth.
A mother´s love is never ceasing,
But love isn´t there for taking or leaving.
So take it, she loves you, you´re not here alone,
I found my mom´s love, When I left home.

I love you Mom.

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