
Monday, June 20, 2011

June 20, 2011

I don't know what to put as my subject lines anymore... there isn't anything fun or exciting to put there... so I might just start putting random things that have nothing to do with anything, just so you know...

So, this Wednesday I will hit FOUR months in the mission! That's 1/6 for you math geniuses :) So, there wasn't anything to say about last P-day, except that I got lots of emails from friends... well, not really a lot, but two awesome ones (DJ and Brock!) and then on Thursday I got pouch from family. Legit.

Tuesday was Spencer's (my brother's) birthday! So, Happy Birthday almost a week late, bro! I'm sorry, but I didn't have your email and so I didn't write you, forgive me? We had another meeting with Pres. Torres about the pilot program we are in and mostly we just talked about what we like about the program, the ways it has helped us, but our leaders think about the program, and any complaints or comments for improve we had. The leaders and the trainers all said that they could see a big difference between us and the missionaries who are not in the program, but for those of us who are in it it's hard to notice, because we don't know anything else. However, from what I've heard I really think that this program will improve missionary training forever. After the meeting we had a lesson with Elsa, Boris, and Alejandro, that was pretty good. The Mom, Elsa, is becoming more and more receptive and we got her a giant copy of the BoM so that she could actually read it, and it has helped a lot! We also finally had another lesson with Jessica Campos, the one who had a baptismal date for tomorrow, the 21st (not going to happen) and taught her the word of wisdom. The crowning event of the day was our visit to Familia Beltran! It was Hna. Marisol's birthday and we made rice crispie treats (using corn flakes) for them! I think they liked them, but I'm not sure, and then we shared a message about FHE! And, even though the parents aren't members yet, they sitll hold FHE every week! SO AWESOME! And, even better news, we should be getting the last paper we need to marry them! (the paper should come this week and they should be married mid july!!)

Nothing special to mention from Wednesday, but it was a missionary working day :)

Thursday was awesome! After weekly planning Elder Nelson and I did divisions with the zone leaders and I went to their area with Elder Lusty and Elder De Paz came to La Leyenda 3 with Elder Nelson (If I haven't ever mentioned it, my area is called "La Leyenda 3"). I absolutely love Elder Lusty. He is from Taylorsville and he has been out a year longer than I have. My day with Elder Lusty was great! We went and saw a couple less active families and had one lesson with a part member family in which we placed a baptismal date! And got super soaked in the rain, it was great! At night, we played ping pong on their kitchen table and shared wonderful stories from the mission and before! Elder Lusty and I are super tight!

Friday morning was awesome! I was still with Elder Lusty so we did our studying at their house. Oh, and Elder Lusty made pancakes for breakfast! They were delicious! For comp study we read from Chp 11 of PMG and then read Mosiah 3 in Spanish and then Elder Lusty and I talked about the importance of reflecting on our missions to learn, or rather try to learn, what Heavenly Father wanted us to do or learn in each of our areas and with each of our companions. We ended the division at lunch, and Elder Nelson felt really sick, so we stayed inside and I got some great study time in! We spent 7:30-10 pm cleaning the house though... and it was just our kitchen! It was disgusting because there were a TON of cockroaches! We probably killed over 100 and it was DISGUSTING! And even worse, we STLL have cockroaches crawling around our kitchen! On our shelves, our tables, in our fridge, and INSIDE our microwave. But, oh well. Life goes on.

The rest of the weekend is just regular missionary work, nothing special or exciting to share, I'm sorry! But, I wanted to share an awesome quote form Elder Lusty that he said during our division, and I think it can help all of us! (It is in relation to Mosiah 3, so you could read that first for some context...) "God loves you. He sent His Son for you" (see also "Condescension of Christ")

Love, Elder LaPray!!

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